Community Electronics Recycling

was held on Saturday, April 27, 2024
9 am – 2 pm
in our parking lot
A big thank you to everyone who helped out and donated.
Drop off your recyclable electronics for FREE.
An easy way to recycle your electronics!
Items Accepted:
- computers, servers, and peripherals (mouse, keyboard, etc.)
- printers and cartridges
- telephones
- audio and video devices
- televisions
- wires and cables
- batteries, including UPS
- much more!
- note that household appliances not accepted, except for microwaves
See a full list of accepted and not accepted items below
In the parking lot at the Church of St. Mark – Lutheran, where volunteers will assist you in unloading items from your vehicle.

To volunteer, please contact our office!
Proceeds will go towards the capital improvement fund at St. Mark’s
Items accepted:
- Desktop Computers
- Portable Computers
- Computer Peripherals (keyboards, mice, hard drives, optical)
- Drives – CD, Blu-Ray, DVD, HD-DVD, CDRW, DVDRW
- Modems
- Monitors
- Televisions
- Fax Machines
- Floppy Drives
- Routers
- Wireless Routers
- Wireless Access Points
- Wireless Bridge
- Floor-Standing Printing Devices (printers, photocopiers, multi-function devices)
- Scanners, Typewriters
- Telephones (Cordless & Wired) And Pagers
- PDAs
- Audio and Video Players and Recorders (e.g. mp3, cassette, digital)
- Cameras (web, disk, digital)
- Equalizer/Amplifiers
- Radio
- Receiver
- Speakers
- Turntables
- Video Players/Projectors, Digital Frames
- Video Recorders
- Personal Hand-Held Computers
- Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) and UPS Batteries
- Video Games
- Servers
- Circuit Boards
- Microwaves
- Printer Cartridges
- Power Cords / Cables / Wires / Christmas Lights / Extension cords
- Networking Equipment
- PBX Systems
- Power Supplies / Power Adapters
Items not accepted:
- Home Appliances (except microwaves are accepted)
- Radioactive Materials
- Hazardous Liquids (e.g. oil, antifreeze, paint)
- Other Hazardous Materials (e.g. pesticides, oil filters, mercury switches, fluorescent lights, lead)
- Non-electronics (e.g. tires, dirt, wood, asbestos, office waste, furniture)
- Corrosives, including batteries
- Compressed Gas Cylinders (propane)
- Flammable Materials
- Refrigerants
- PCBs (capacitors, transformers, ballast)
- Explosives (firearms, ammunition)