St. Mark’s is blessed to support and/or work with a number of partners in our community, and in the world. These include:
- The Open Door (Mississauga) – help and friendship for anyone in crisis
- The Compass (Mississauga) – food bank and support for those of low income
- JFJ Hope Centre (Mississauga) – help and support for crisis pregnancy and young families
- The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, especially the English District of the LCMS (North America, with mission projects local and world-wide)
- Paul and Michelle S. (East Asia) – friendship and faith for those searching for something more than themselves. You can hear more about (and occasionally meet) the work of these wonderful Canadians living overseas by coming to our church. For their safety, we won’t be posting details on the web.
- The Olive Branch for Children (Tanzania) – love and help for struggling people. You can also see them on Facebook
- Living Hope – Medevac Ministry – a ministry that supports First Nation families with children who have to travel great distances from their own communities for medical care. Support consists of emergency supplies, help with accommodation and supplies for parents accompanying their children, comfort, prayer, and friendship. Donations to this ministry can be made by designating this on your offering at the church, or through St. Mark’s Canada Helps page.
We also have a relationship with these organizations:
- Little Leaf Daycare (they use our building during the week to run their school)