Terry’s Take… June Week 4: Depression

Let’s look at the last three common misconceptions we may have about those who are depressed. Misconception: It’s shameful to discuss mental illness openly. Reality: Church community should be a safe environment for people to discuss mental health without judgment. Sadly, some Christians can be very judgmental about mental illness, but that is not a biblical response.

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Terry’s Take… June Week 3: Depression

Sometimes when I am not feeling my best, either physically or emotionally, I become very self-accusatory. I’m hard on myself. Perhaps you have experienced the same thing. “I need to just kick myself in the pants and get going!” In thinking more about this I think it is based on a common misconception: Misconception: Depression

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Terry’s Take… June Week 2: Depression

In the next few blogs I will be addressing two areas of  the “troubled heart” …namely depression and anxiety. We all have “blue” days when we are a bit melancholy or lethargic. It’s common to the human condition. But the rates of people reporting longer term depression and anxiety has significantly risen in the post-Covid

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