Confirmation Classes
The goal of Confirmation Classes is to give the young Christian an opportunity to learn what it means to practice their faith and to confess their faith before the church.
When children reach the age of 12-13, and have the ability to talk about what they believe with a more mature level of understanding, we offer them Confirmation Classes. The classes are held once a week for about an hour. The kids are taken through the entire Bible and learn the narrative of God’s salvation from the Old and New Testaments. They become very familiar with the Bible, learning the books of the Bible, and most of the major historical accounts from the Bible.
They are also taken through the six parts of Luther’s Small Catechism*:
- The Ten Commandments
- The Apostles Creed
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Baptism
- Confession and Absolution
- Holy Communion

They are given opportunity to ask questions about their faith and gain an understanding regarding the major teachings of the Christian Church. Confirmation Class is taught by our pastor. At the end of 2 years, the kids stand before the church on a special Sunday and confess what they believe, in their own words. They also partake in their first communion (the Lord’s Supper) at that time. And of course there’s cake afterward!
Along with weekly worship services, Sunday School, and Bible studies, Confirmation Class is a great way to learn and grow in the Christian faith.
*Luther’s Small Catechism is a book written by Martin Luther that’s a kind of Christianity 101, in question and answer form. See our Resources page for more information.