Terry’s Take… First Week in March

Since this month has five Sundays… and since this is my first article… I feel I can make today’s column explain what I hope to accomplish. I will be writing about emotions, transitions and struggles we all have in trying, through God’s grace, to live the Christian life. I will offer resources such as books and prayers we can use to help us in our Christian walk.
During the next four weeks in March, I will focus on living our faith within the family.
Psalm 68:6 tells us: “God sets the lonely in families. He brings out the prisoners with singing, But the rebellious dwell in a sun-scorched land.”
The family, then, is a sort of foundation for us. It’s been said that the Devil wishes first and foremost to isolate us – “divide and conquer” if you will. It is his desire to break the family apart. We can only look at today’s condition of the family and witness how successful he has been.
So communication within the family… how we choose to treat our family members… is at the epicentre of our Christian life.
I hope you choose to journey with me as we take a closer look at the dynamics within our families.
To Him be the glory! Amen.
Today’s Resource:
The Family: A Christian Perspective on the Contemporary Home by Jack O. Balswick, Judith K. Balswick and Thomas V. Frederick
A comprehensive book which covers practically every issue affecting the Christian family. It has been in print for over thirty years and has sold over a 100,000 copies. The new edition is updated throughout with discussions of recent family-related issues. It includes a new chapter on work and family balance and a new section on the increasing role grandparents take in parental responsibilities.