Terry’s Take… March Week Five
So What’s the Child’s Role in the Family?
Scripture is clear: Children should obey their parents. Ephesians 6:1 explicitly commands: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”
This, of course, presupposes that the parent is conforming their life to God’s will, and has no ill-conceived or perverse idea to harm the child.
Unfortunately, child abuse… even at the hands of parents or trusted family members… continues to plague our fallen world. As said before, Satan loves to break up the family and dissolve the trust members have for each other.
But in the Christian home there are some systematic methods you can put into place that can reinforce the child’s role and responsibility within the family.
Here are just a few ideas:
House Chores
Parents are responsible for assigning appropriate responsibilities to their children as long as they are still living with them.
House chores like cooking, dish washing, cleaning, gardening – for example, planting and tending flowers, and lawn mowing are great ways that children can gain self-respect in being a participating part of the family.
I remember my mom and I had some of our best conversations while she washed… and I dried… the dishes.
I used to love helping mom in the garden… and to this day can remember the names of plants (which astounds my wife!)
No matter how much your children are loaded with school work and assignments, do not exempt them from house chores.
Run errands and care for one another
– run errands for you, care for their younger siblings by taking them to and bringing them back from school. Older children can help the younger ones with their studies, assignments, homework, projects and their house chores if they are lagging behind.
Love, protect and care for one another and always be friends to each other and unite as siblings to defend each other outside of the home.
Parental Care
Assist their parents to welcome, entertain and accommodate visitors.
Care and provide for their parents in their old age and also protect and defend them against physical and spiritual aggressors.
Children are responsible for giving their parents a befitting burial when they eventually exit this world to be with the Lord.
In summary… the roles of children in their family include involvement in house chores, running errands for their parents, respecting and caring for one another and their parents in their old age, honouring God and respecting the elderly in their community and being responsible citizens in the society.
Today’s Resource: A Child’s Prayer for Parents
“Jesus, thank You for my parents. I love my them both and I am glad that they are my mom and dad and I am glad that I am their child too. Thank You that they take care of me, and please bless them every day.
Please be with them as they go to work each day and keep them safe.
Sometimes my parents have to discipline me when I do wrong things. I am sorry that I keep doing wrong things, and I ask you to forgive me.
Thank You, that You have given me my mom and dad to look after me and when I grow up I want to be like them and tell my children about You, Lord Jesus. Amen.”