Terry’s Take… God’s Word is a Person
We anticipate God becoming flesh in human nature as we approach the celebration of Christmas. We must remember always that God’s Word is a person, not merely a book or an idea.
He became flesh. He dwelled among us. And He bequeathed to us the Holy Spirit out of love, and gave to us Holy Scripture as the guide to our real home in heaven.
Christ reveals to us the nature and dignity of our humanity. The duties that go with our humanity then follow from that ongoing encounter.
So it’s not surprising to me that Satan today uses anthropological arguments to subvert His Word…like questioning, “What is man?” as Pilate questioned, “What is truth?”
The changes we’ve seen in genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, surveillance tools, weaponry, and a dozen other high-impact technologies have been transformative. We live in a time when transhumanist fantasies and the “eclipse of man,” to quote the Duquesne University scholar Charles Rubin, are becoming issues of urgency. Thus, the key challenges now facing the Church are neither environmental nor matters of ecclesial structure and process; they’re anthropological – in other words, who and what a human being is.
This Advent, we need wisdom to discern the lies of Satan more than ever. Because the Child we wait for is the redeemer of man.