Terry’s Take… Beyond Our Control, Part 1
Many people I have met and counselled during the years have a common struggle: surrendering control to God in those areas of their lives that are out of their control.
During my life as a dad, lawyer, judge and pastor, I have been relatively good at organization and balance. However, I find myself challenged when faced with events outside of my control. For example, in the aftermath of a broken relationship or dealing with illness or seemingly overwhelming circumstances. Sometimes we have to accept loss, however difficult. Some things are never in our own control.
Central to a relationship with God, as with any relationship, is mutual trust. As I said recently to a companion, “I trust in God; it’s other people that can be hard to trust!” Yet trusting in God is also a matter of trusting that despite my own and others’ human limits and sin, I am gently being invited to cooperate with the God who wants to “make all things new.” (Rev. 21:5). I’m learning that I have not only to offer God my own creativity and responsibility, but to make that offer freely, without trying to control God or anyone else. Not easy!
Check out my blog next week to find some hopeful ways we can accept those things that our beyond our control.